Monday, January 12, 2015

Charlie Hebdo Releases First Cover Since Terrorist Attack - A symbol of healing, testing the waters or nah? Some say it’s perfect, some say this is why the infamous satire magazine was brutalized in the first place. A few days into the tragic shooting of their Paris, France office that left 12 dead and 11 wounded, Charlie Hebdo Releases First Cover Since Terrorist Attack.

Charlie Hebdo Releases First Cover Since Terrorist Attack, complete with an image of the Prophet Muhammad against a green backdrop, gripping a sign with the viral hashtag “Je Suis Charlie.” Above the Prophet is a line which translates to, “All Is Forgiven.”

Though the Quran does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad, many Muslims feel visual depictions are sacrilegious and this is continued disrespect. While Charlie Hebdo Releases First Cover Since Terrorist Attack much of the tension leading up has been their fearless use of what many feel are sacred images put in graphic and humiliating situations. Though for the most part everyone has agreed senseless death is never a solution and unity has been emphasized, a lot of controversy from the demonizing of everything Islam has resulted some say unfairly from the few Muslim extremists at fault.

World leaders from an array of countries also came together, linking arm in arm for theunity rally that brought over 3 million together this weeked. But many have pointed to the hard hits people of Islam have come under since the shooting. Many feel not only has the news coverage been prejudice, but the cartoons have been as racist as they have been “uplifting, defiant, and not taking themselves too seriously.” As far as the Muslim community in Hip Hop and entertainment, Lupe Fiasco sums it up in a poignant line:

“Don’t curse all of the steel in the world because a few choose to make knives out of it. Most of us are trying to make bridges. #JeSuisMuslim”

As Charlie Hebdo Releases First Cover Since Terrorist Attack the solidarity of over 3 million added to the #JeSuisCharlie statements across all mediums has been inspiring never the less. As well the highlight of how art is powerful and being an artist, journalist etc. can sometimes mean your life. Still pushing however that we can all come together to say, ‘we will not live in fear.’ That’s a beautiful thing…but must people always be put down in order for others to rise above?

Do you think the cover is a perfect healing response or a continuation of crossing the line?

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