Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Can A Woman Be Too Independent?

I have heard many different opinions on this topic. Some men feel that they want a women who is independent, but not too damn independent! 

Translation: "When I am dead and gone she can hold her own, but while I'm alive - she needs to sit in the co-pilot chair." 

Even though all they may have to offer is good sex; some guys want an independent women, just so she can take care of them. There are also men who want a needy woman. To him; his women is not even worthy of being a co-pilot! This type of man wants a woman to sit in the window seat at the back of plane! 

Last not but least, there are guys who want a women to hold her own, but he still has a list of accomplishments for her to fulfill before he will marry her.

There is a whole population of strong women out here. Most woman are built Ford tough, which is awesome. However, men need to realize that leather interior still needs to be cared for. Woman need a man for companionship and much more.

    Being strong and independent can be a gift and a curse. The gift is all the praises you may receive when you are taking care of your business properly. Then of course, there is the curse of nobody ever helping you because you seem to have it all together. That is a lot of pressure to live up to. Many successful women run the risk of being alone because most men are intimidated by their strength.

    I know some women, who are now making more money than their male partners. This fact can make a man feel bad, but he should be proud. The choices are simple; either accept or reject the situation. If he does not feel content with making less than his woman, he can always raise his goals and strive to do better for himself and his family. This can be done by futhering his education or getting a part time job. If your partner accepts you for what you bring to the table, there should not be any issues. Time has changed roles, andin some cases - reversed them. Men should appreciate a strong women that will have his back, and treat her as an bone and not a seat cushion. Which kind of man are you?

- Mrs. Sweet Tee
His & Hers Show | RadioOnFire.com

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