Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Buffer Is a Free Social Media Tool - You Must Have!


If you are a small business owner, I know your life can be hectic. It may seem like there is just not enough time in the day. You have to keep up with things like employees, merchandise, marketing, promotions and so much more. Whatever your business may be, its lifeline centers around growing and maintaining your customers. It is vital for your business to have as many eyes on your brand as possible. Social media presents an opportunity for exposure that is too valuable to pass up. In this article we are going to talk about how important social media is to every business and a wonderful sharing tool you should be familiar with.

Let's face it, social media has exploded. It runs the Internet! Everyday your current and potential customers are scrolling, reading, and sharing photos, videos and other information with their friends from their computers, mobile and smart devices. Social media is all about interacting, connecting and engaging with people, but when will you find the time to do this for your business? Your day is already packed with the nuts and bolts of running your machine; so what else can you do? Your time is valuable. It is the most precious commodity that you have. Let's face the facts, time is irreplaceable. So what can you do to make sure the message of your business is seen and heard on the powerful social media platform? Well that is where Buffer comes in.


In order to be successful in your social media campaign you need a strategy. It will not do your business any good to randomly throw posts up on your social media channels when none of your target market is looking. We know you want to keep your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages jumping with great content but just can't find the time to keep logging on to do it. Well worry no more - the wonderful people over at Buffer have provided the solution to all your social media woes.

Buffer has two options:

Free Version: This version will manage one Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn account with up to 10 updates at a time.

Awesome Version: For as little as $8.50 per month, this version will manage 12 social profiles with unlimited postings from 2 team members. You have full control over what and where your updates post across multiple accounts.

Another great feature is Buffer analytics. This allows you to track what type of reaction your posts are getting. You are able to see the potential audience exposure, clicks, retweets and mentions as well as the time of day you get the most engagement.

Buffer also offers app extensions for Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari that give you the ability to add updates to your Buffer conveniently from the top of your browser. Share pages you view across the net with the click of a button - Buffer makes it easy to manage your all your social profiles.

Start using Buffer today by clicking HERE.

Contact Diamond K is a media personality, writer and blogger

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